Mary Fedden (1915 - 2012)
English painter and set designer; born in Bristol; wanted to be a painter even as a child; educated at Badminton and left at sixteen to study at the Slade School of Fine Art under theatre designer Vladimir Polunin, 1932-1936; painted sets at Sadlers Wells but decided against stage design as a career; returned to Bristol; taught art and made a living painting portraits; served in WW II, first in the Land Army, then as a stage painter of propaganda murals, finally as a driver for the Navy, Army, and Air Force Institutes (NAAFI), 1944; resumed painting in 1946, exhibiting a number of still life and flower works; moved back to London, where she still lives and works; married Julian Trevelyan and travelled with him in Europe, Africa, India, Russia, and the USA; she was the first woman to teach in the painting school of the Royal College of Art, 1958-1964; she was elected to the Royal Academy, Senior Order,1992; served as President of the Royal West of England Academy, 1984-1988 and received the OBE in the 1990s. She died in June 2012.
Landscape, fruit in basket, lemon on plate
Copyright permission for all four paintings has kindly been granted by Mary Trevelyan