COMMITTEE 2020 - 2021
I am the curator of the collection and the gallery exhibitions. My role involves all aspects of caring for, curating and championing the collection. I curate at least one exhibition a term, working with the Committee, the collection and contemporary artists. I have a background in contemporary arts and exhibitions, with a specialist interest in architecture, photography, dress and social history. I work for the Committee two days a week, and enjoy delving into the collection to learn more about the individual artworks.
I’m a second-year student studying English. On hearing about the Art Fund shortly after joining Pembroke last year, I was taken aback by the scale of impact it had not only on the cultural life of the college, but also on the financial side. I knew that it was something with which I wanted to be involved, having a personal interest in contemporary photography as well economics. I think being co-Chair is a fantastic opportunity to explore the intersection between art and business, and I am greatly looking forward to working with an ambitious committee in what I am sure will be an exciting year for the fund.
Last year I was Chair of the committee and the year before I was Art Rep. I am passionate about art and hope to work in this field in the future. Sitting on the Art Fund committee is an incredible opportunity to learn about business and art that I believe can’t be found anywhere else as a student. I’m eager to work with a diverse committee this year, whose interests are so wide-ranging, as well as make the most of our amazing collection, and hopefully meet a few new artists along the way!
Last year I was the JCR President and sat on the committee. This year I am a trustee. I wanted to get involved with the Art Fund form the moment I started invigilating the art gallery during an exhibition. Art is something special that can really make someone feel happy and I’m excited to be working alongside everyone on the committee to maximise the positive impact it has on life in Pembroke.
I'm a second year studying history and economics, and I'm honoured to serve as the Art Fund treasurer for 2020-21. I have always been interested in art and art history, and I am proud that Pembroke is home to such a unique and significant collection. I am passionate about access and inclusion, and I hope that the Art Fund will continue to promote young and underrepresented artistic voices, provide a space for Pembroke students to explore art, and support members of the Pembroke community in need.
I'm a third-year Experimental Psychology student, and the Co-Chair of the Art Fund this year. I'm excited to play a role in guiding the direction of the Art Fund, an amazing resource and opportunity that we're lucky enough to have here at Pembroke. As a psychology student and as an art enthusiast, I find contemporary art exemplifying the role of psychology in the arts to be fascinating. I'm also looking forward to working on the future of Art Fund with regards to investments and agreements, and on what the Fund has to offer for students along with the collection, such as grants.
I’m a third year studying History and English. Last year I was JCR Art Rep. I love getting people involved in art and think it’s a fun hobby or interest that often gets left behind when people go to uni. I will be organising art events in college that will be fun and accessible for all abilities and interests. We are the first Oxford college with our own gallery and collection, so it’s an amazing chance to make the most of it - whether that be by our art loans, life drawing classes or termly exhibitions.