Partnership with the Zuleika Gallery
The Pembroke JCR Art Fund is proud to be supporting the Zuleika Gallery’s temporary exhibition, Masters of Abstraction, across the road from us at the Long Gallery in The Story Museum, showing a selection of works that complements our collection very well.
Find out more at
Invitation to “From Van der Weyden to Van Gogh via Bosch" by Maxim Kantor
Maxim Kantor, Hon. Fellow of Pembroke College, will discuss the origins of oil painting and highlight echoes of the Burgundian age.
5pm, 29th April, Pichette Auditorium, Pembroke College
Invitation to The art of our time: Time-based media art from the Julia Stoschek Collection at the Pembroke Art Gallery
PLEASE JOIN US AT THE PEMBROKE ART GALLERY FOR A STUNNING NEW EXHIBITION OF TIME-BASED MEDIA ART (featuring video works by contemporary British artists: Elizabeth Price, Helen Marten and Ed Atkins)
You are warmly invited to the official opening of this exhibition on 18th February 2016.
Invitation to Will Gompertz talking about 'Think Like an Artist'
The Pembroke JCR Art Fund are delighted to host BBC Arts editor Will Gompertz for their first major event of Michaelmas term. Gompertz will speak about his new book 'Think Like an Artist', which asks what we can learn from artists to enhance our own creativity.
Friday 23rd October, 2015
Invitation to 'John Bratby and Jean Cooke: Who is slaving at the kitchen sink?'
You are warmly invited to the official opening of this exhibition on 30th April 2015. We will begin our celebration with a lecture by Dr Greg Salter at 5pm, followed by a reception in the Pembroke Art Gallery.
This exhibition will be open to the public on Wednesdays and Fridays from 12-2pm, throughout Trinity Term (final day 12th June)
Highlights from the Collection
The Collection Highlights exemplify the ethos that Anthony Emery envisaged upon founding the Pembroke JCR Art Collecion in 1947. Through its engagement with emerging British artists, and its democratic display of sculpture, watercolor and painting, the current exhibition in the Pembroke Art Gallery consciously avoids establishing a hierarchy within different forms of material, genre, and artist backgrounds. Furthermore, student participation has always been paramount in nurturing the collection, as the initial fund was put together by students, and the collection has since run under student administration. However, the most important act of student participation is in the form of viewing and interacting with the collection’s art objects. Like Schrodinger’s Cat, the works in this gallery require active dialogue to remain in existence – since arguably, art only exists in the mind of the viewer.
Press Release 6th March 2015
Launch of the Pembroke Gallery Public Opening Hours, with guest lecture by Penelope Curtis, Director of Tate Britain
To celebrate the launch of Pembroke Gallery's new public opening hours Penelope Curtis will be giving a talk titled, ‘Museum Narratives’
Penelope Curtis has been the Director of Tate Britain in April 2010. Recently, she gave the Paul Mellon Lectures of 2015 at the National Gallery in London.